Do you want to be part of something special in your neighborhood? It’s almost time for our 2nd annual Earth Day Event. Below you’ll find a list of volunteer opportunities (day of and preparations). Please help us spread the word and get yourself & your pals on this list of neighbors we can lean on.

Earth Day Volunteer Needs:
1. Movers. Some of our neighbors aren’t able to transport items they’d like to get rid of. Do you have the means and muscle to be on this list?
2. Drivers with Trucks! We need pick up trucks, do you want to volunteer yours for the day? Are you interested in making some trips to the dump, if our bins are filled? You don’t have to answer yes to both.
3. Crowd Control/Traffic Monitors. We need help in the parking lot of Burnich keeping the traffic flowing in the proper direction and keeping everyone safe.
4. Bin Monitors. Each of the dumpsters we’ll have in the lot, in addition to the Pacific Recycling bin, requires a monitor. This can happen in shifts, you won’t be stuck at a dumpster all day – unless you want to be.
5. Street Cleaners. Initially we had a vision of neighbors walking through the hood picking up trash. We found we didn’t have enough volunteers for that last year. Do you want to head this crew, or participate?
6. Park Cleanup. We hope to have a handful of folks helping the Lion’s clean up the park, that they so generously provide for this community. If this sounds like your jam bring gloves, rakes, shovels and a wheelbarrow (if you have them/one).
7. Yard Cleanup. We weren’t able to offer this service last year, but maybe you’d like to help your neighbor clean up their yard? We had a lot of unfulfilled requests in 2021. We can match you up with someone in need.
8. Posters. We need signage made and distributed for this event. We’ll recycle some from last year, but we need help hanging and dispersing signage throughout East Missoula. We can get a stack of posters to you if you’ll spread the word. Or, we’ll happily add you to the list for our sign making day.
We’re also looking for sponsors of this very popular (well-attended) event. We will acknowledge donors on our marketing materials and social media. Donations can be made here, or contact us directly for more info.