We’ve got a plan in the works. If you’d like to be a part of the committee we’d love to have you join our meetings. We’re cleaning up our neighborhoods on the weekend of April 24-25, in lieu of Earth Day.

We’ll have a dumpster available (in the Burnich parking lot), as well as some recycling options. If you are able to help with the logistics of these things please holler. The main thing we need is for you to spread the word! We would love to have the neighborhood bustling with people pitching in. Can you mark your calendar? Would you share these dates with your neighbor(s)? We would be so grateful.
Our friends at Hellgate Canyon Storage have graciously offered to sponsor this event. If you have interest in being a sponsor too, please let us know. We are looking for all of the support we can get.
Please contact us with any questions and/or if you’d like to be part of the planning committee. We would love your input and assistance. We will have a few Zoom meetings leading up to the event – you are welcome to join them. Message us for a link.