Community Events

Community Yard Sale

We’re joining forces and making East Missoula the destination for any/all treasure seekers. Do you want in?

EMU Yard Sale Flyer

Please let us know ASAP if you’d like to be on the destination list for the Community Yard Sale weekend. The more participants we get, the bigger crowd we’ll draw.

You know how to get in touch with us, if you have questions please let us know.

6 replies on “Community Yard Sale”

The Restore would like to participate in the yard sale! We would also be more than happy to hand out flyers for the event. Drop us a line, thanks

We will bring some flyers by! And, we’ll be making posters for the event as it nears. We’ll hopefully also be on top of our advertising game. Excited you’ll be joining forces. We’ll get you on the map.

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